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Why Worry?

worried girl

Why Worry?

Today we like to discuss one of the major reasons to not succeeding in what you are
doing. It doesn’t matter how good you are in business or in anything in life, if our mind
is filled with worries you will for sure find a way to sabotage yourself, not reaching
the results that you are after. We are living in a worry society where it is considered
to be normal and even a duty to worry. At the same time it is the disease that kills
your success.

I decided to write about this as most of the time we think that the latest strategy
and technics will take us to our goal, not knowing that we are up against the same
brick wall that has been stopping us in all other activities that we tried.


Who is in control?

I like to expose worry for what it really is and give you back control over this area
that you probably lost in childhood. Sound good?

Before we start, just think for a minute about all of the things we worry about,
from the little things about being late to the big things like will I be attacked or
will I find someone to share my life, or will I make enough money to live, or will
I ever be rich?

You name it, we worry about it…so just for a minute think about what worries you
have coming up that you are trying to put into corners of your mind to protect yourself
from having to face worrying about them.

You don’t have to worry about them right now, just browse your mind and see what
lurks there – you’ll probably find that they may be kept behind a closed door and
you don’t want to open it to reveal them.

Worrying is like a disease, it is like cancer, if you don’t remove it then it will kill you.
Cancer kills you by growing and eventually crushes an organ into failure from the
weight of the growth. Well worrying works in the same way towards your health and
it works in the same way affecting any success you desire. So you MUST get rid of
this cancer if you desire to make your dreams come true.

Side note – You do realize of course that when you worry it takes away your
creative energy. This is the same energy you need to create your future.


What Really Is The Point Of Worrying?

In a nutshell – We will have to deal with what we worry about at the time we have
to deal with it, so what is the point? So far you have successfully dealt with every
situation in your life and you have solved it.

All that extra time, energy, negativity, concern, and anxiety… You name it. And for
what? What is the payoff? What do we get for having chosen to worry about it?

We get all the extra bad feeling for no benefit at all…

So worrying gives us NOTHING AT ALL WORTH HAVING.

Worrying make no sense at all as it has no benefit, it is also just a habit we picked
up through imitation. What more is, it is a bad habit that must be removed if you
desire to attain what you desire in life.

So why do we do it?

Ask yourself, am I worrying constructively or is it out of fear, fear of loss, fear of
abandonment, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of what may not be in the
future, fear of an event that is coming up or even fear of success. However, the
event is normally far easier than what we thought it would be anyway.

How many times have you said to yourself, ‘Well that was easier than I thought
it would be. I’m betting quite a few.

Now this does not mean that you do not give thought to a situation to decide on
the best way to handle it. That would be silly. Of course give thoughts to the
problem like you would with any situation that needed to be resolved, but do not
worry about it.

Spend a few hours looking at the problem and deciding a course of action through
it. Clearly see the desired outcome for yourself, and all your work will now be
directed towards achieving that outcome.

See the outcome you desire and you know that you will have done all you can do
in your power to attain that desire. If that is not enough, then it is not enough
and you will not achieve the result you are looking for.

Accept it as is and move on after drawing all the lessons you could from the

By shining a torch on the worrier demon, you will see that he is just an illusion,
he is of no benefit to you or your life situation and therefore he has no place in
your life.

worry demon

Worry Demon at work…

The Biggest Illusion That Worrying Creates

Our bottom line is that we think if we don’t worry then we are not caring. Why do
we think that? Why on earth have we trained ourselves to think this way? Are we
really that insane?

We think it because we haven’t applied thought to the problem, why? Because
the worry demon has already shut off our rational thought pattern.

So if we don’t worry we are not caring? Well you can evaluate the problem without
worrying about it. You can look at all possible scenarios without worrying about them.

The truth is that every situation in your life that you have been worrying about
was eventually handled when that future moment came. What you were worrying
about, most of the time turned out totally different than you thought it would.

You are worrying about something that might happen in the future, but when that
future arrives the situation might be totally different, so why worry about it now?

There is no way that you can go into the future and change what might happen.
If you really want to do changes, it can only be done with a decision now, in this
present time. The question you should ask yourself is:


You will discover that you have nothing to worry about in this very moment, so why
go into the future and worry about something that hasn’t happened yet and that you
have no influence on? Just observe your worries and don’t judge them. When shining
the light on them they will loose their power. That’s all you need to do…

The habit of worrying is the one that 99.9999% of the population use and it adds
nothing in helping resolve the situation. Actually it works as a really large obstacle
to overcoming the problem that has caused the worry demon to come out to play.

The problem is, we attract what we are trying to avoid – we end up living a self-
fulfilling prophecy – what we worry about becomes our reality. We give it an
enormous amount of fuel with all the strong feelings attached to it. We get caught
out because we worried about it, which then reinforces the future need to worry
more deeply… pure insanity.

Hope these ideas about resolving worries are helping you to be more aware of what
you are doing to yourself on a daily basis, without even knowing it. By just being
aware of it, you have solved most of the problems.



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